This edition is your chance to download CS 1.6 that is not only the most recent but also the most powerfull one. Due to your requests we have developed special player models that are easy to recognise: each team has its own color.
Powerful design of GUI and HUD brings gameplay up to a new level. Up-to-date unbreakable protection will make you feel safe towards malicious scripts and files. That last bit is a very essential part of Counter Strike client because unfortunately nowadays there are many servers that could not only ruin your game but also inject very dangerous scripts and even viruses.
Aside from the protection and the other features, this version also comes with bots that are very unique and quite intelligent in terms of analyzing the maps. You can literally load any map you want even if you'd created it yourself, and bots will adapt to it. So forget about building way-points, just choose a location to play and enjoy your offline battles.
In addition, it is quite important to point out that CS 1.6 Insane designed specifically for players who are a bit bored with the standard CS version. It is an updated and more fresh take on the game making it much more modern with improved graphics and better design, so if you're a fan of mods, this one will be quite perfect for you.
HD player models.
HD hostage models
HD weapons and hands models
New radar
New textures
15 new sprays
New design (GUI, font, etc)
Five professional CFGs to choose from (+standard)
Bots (Controls: "H")
Garanteed to run on Windows 10 and earlier versions