Download CS 1.6 » CS 1.6 Trash Edition
Download CS 1.6 Trash Edition (Build 9211)
Download CS 1.6 Trash Edition

CS 1.6 Trash Edition

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Download CS 1.6 Trash Edition
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We're not going to lie, this is most-likely the most funny and weird edition we're going to present to and we're very excited about it. So today we're going to let you download CS 1.6 Trash Edition — the most unusual and strange release of the game probably ever. You will find this one extremely fun to play and it shouldn't be looked at seriously because it's just what it is — a trash, weird, funny and completely frivolous version of CS. You can download CS 1.6 via direct link or torrent file, first option is the most convenient and the second one for uTorrent users.

Now, let's start the review of CS 1.6 Trash Edition. We're not going to lie, it's all over the place but we shall begin with the game menu that welcomes us with a nice background picture, a weird color scheme and a funny overridden soundtrack. But let's look at the gameplay and see what's up. And trust us, there's enough to live you amazed. And here we start by first noticing new weird pictures when picking our team: players have horses heads on and look funny already.
But after we actually pick a team to play we immediately notice how absurd player models look and can't help but laugh out loud. If that's not the definition of LOL we don't know what is. However, the main reason to download CS 1.6 Trash Edition is probably the weapon skins. And let us tell you, these are some skins. We have a snowball for a flash nade, a nade launcher for an HE and, get this, a cigarette for a smoke nade. Not entertained yet? No problem, let's move to a shotgun: it's an actual umbrella that shoots, now how insane is that?

But wait, you've seen nothing yet, because for the M4A1 we have a hand with a pointed finger that shoots. Need a silencer? Just put your other hand over your shooting finger and there you go. There's really so much more to tell you but we recommend trying it yourselves and see. Before we forget, it's important to mention that this version runs on the latest 9211 build and has avatars, money and HP in the scoreboard, as well as high resources download speed, colored console and other awesome features. Bots are also included as well as a browser full of amazing servers. While powerful protection is here to protect and serve your security.

CS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash EditionCS 1.6 Trash Edition

  • A very funny and weird design and atmosphere
  • The most weird and unexpected weapon skins
  • Latest build 9211
  • Ridicules and funny player models
  • Avatars, HP and money in the scoreboard
  • A lot of servers in the browser
  • A powerful protection
  • Bots are included

Download CS 1.6 Trash Edition with Bots

Download CS 1.6 Trash Edition Download Counter Strike 1.6 Trash Edition

Downloaded: 5782

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david 2024-11-18 16:04:51
the game is cool

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no way this is real

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stanatz 2024-04-30 12:37:27

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roham 2023-11-29 15:42:25
how to fix black screen?

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yurin 2023-07-17 09:47:46
haha very funny

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Down-csfan 2023-04-22 12:17:49
it looks cool to be honest

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