Download CS 1.6 » CS 1.6 PUBG Edition
Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition (Build 9211)
Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition

CS 1.6 PUBG Edition

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Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition
Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition      Download Counter Strike 1.6 PUBG Edition

Downloaded: 13027

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Today we once again are answering your request with a brand new unique version of the game and are going to let you download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition — a version that has taken its design from a very popular game called Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. That is why it carries a lot of awesome updates and new add-ons that transform a regular Counter-Strike into a new kind of a game and bring a new feel to the shooter. You can safely download CS 1.6 via direct link (the most efficient and convenient way to get the game) or torrent file (for uTorrent users).

Now let's talk about CS 1.6 PUBG Edition in more detail. Right from the launch we're welcomed with a new design of game menu: PUBG background picture, a nice color scheme and an original soundtrack from Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. But we definitely shall check out the gameplay and start a new game with a bonus map called pubg_tdm_v1 — an awesome location that carries the original atmosphere of the mod. It looks amazing and feels great, so right from the load we're transferred into the new world of this edition.
Of course, aside from the map itself, there are other amazing modifications too. Probably the main reason to download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition is new player models: original PUBG player characters conveniently red for terrorists and blue for counter-terrorists. These models help to create the right atmosphere and truly enjoy this edition. Weapons are also new: a great set of HD skins for all of the guns in the game. It's such a pleasure to shoot enemies with them as the sounds are also new.

Aside from all of the above, this version is based on the latest build 9211 and carries such important features as avatars, HP and money in the scoreboard. Also it has a very high speed of download of additional resources making connection to any server almost immediate. If you would like to play offline, there are smart bots that will keep you company. And while playing online, a powerful protection guarantees 100% safety. Don't have time to pick a server? Just use the "random server" option to get connected to one of the best servers in seconds.

CS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG EditionCS 1.6 PUBG Edition

  • New amazing atmosphere and design
  • New PUBG player models
  • Latest build 9211
  • New HD weapon pack
  • Avatars, HP and money in the scoreboard
  • Bonus PUBG maps
  • Powerful protection
  • Smart bots

Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition with Bots

Download CS 1.6 PUBG Edition Download Counter Strike 1.6 PUBG Edition

Downloaded: 13027

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nail 2024-11-20 11:35:20
 =) sooo good

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good game  :)

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Lan bu PUBG modumu ulan seni CS!!!!

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