Download CS 1.6 » CS 1.6 Bikini Edition
Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition (Build 9211)
Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition

CS 1.6 Bikini Edition

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Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition
Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition      Download Counter Strike 1.6 Bikini Edition

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Today we present to you a very special, unique and entertaining version of Counter-Strike and offer you to download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition. This game is pretty much 100% classic but it has a different GUI that depicts two very attractive girls wearing bikinis. Therefore it will be perfect for all gamers who like original gameplay but want something a little bit different without affecting the actual gaming atmosphere too much. You can safely download CS 1.6 via direct link (the most convenient and fast way to get the game) or torrent file (for uTorrent users).

Now let's talk about CS 1.6 Bikini Edition in more detail. Starlight from the start we're welcomed with a great new design of game menu: two amazing beautiful girls in a bikini with Ak-47 playfully pointing it to each other, a nice red and black color scheme and an awesome soundtrack. Now that's pretty much all that has been changed. However, some in-game tables and windows design is also new and it is black and red too. Have to admit, it looks pretty cool and the game definitely feels more interesting overall due to that.
So, from what we already understand, the main reason to download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition is the new GUI theme. But it's important to remember that this CS has all qualities of an original version: standard player models, default weapon skins and every other element except for GUI. Still, this is one of the best editions for a pro gamer because it doesn't stand away from the classic Counter-Strike at all while managing to introduce something new and exciting. We suggest you trying it yourself and we're sure you're going to like it.

That being said, it's essential to point out that this game is based on the latest build 9211 and hence it carries all of the important features of it. It has avatars, HP and money in the scoreboard, it has a very high speed of downloading of additional resources and much more cool stuff. If you decide to play offline and practice, there are smart bots that will keep you company. And if you decide to play online, there's hundreds of amazing servers you can pick from, just make sure to sort them by ping to get the best experience.

CS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini EditionCS 1.6 Bikini Edition

  • New amazing atmosphere and design
  • New awesome GUI
  • Original player models
  • Latest build 9211
  • Default weapon skins
  • Avatars, HP and money in the scoreboard
  • Smart bots and convenient menu
  • Powerful protection

Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition with Bots

Download CS 1.6 Bikini Edition Download Counter Strike 1.6 Bikini Edition

Downloaded: 3755

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mrdick 2024-06-19 12:42:15

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2 win = bikini editon  :cool:

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owadan ekenin  :angel:  :like:  :love:

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fuck 2023-10-15 07:48:56
o my god

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fresh's Father 2023-06-08 12:47:59
You're right, son.

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no bikinis 0/10

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Andres 2023-08-28 18:09:02
Oooooooo es mala ademas no es nada con la original

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