Download CS 1.6 » CS 1.6 Better Edition
Download CS 1.6 Better Edition (Build 9211)
Download CS 1.6 Better Edition

CS 1.6 Better Edition

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Download CS 1.6 Better Edition
Download CS 1.6 Better Edition      Download Counter Strike 1.6 Better Edition

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Today we're excited to introduce to you a brand new release of the Counter-Strike and let you download CS 1.6 Better Edition — a version of the game that has a whole lot of amazing updates you're going to love. So if you enjoy proper quality modifications you will absolutely adore this edition. But before we go on with the review we shall remind you that you can easily download CS 1.6 via direct link or torrent file. The first option is the most convenient one and the second choice is designed specifically for uTorrent users.

Now let's talk about CS 1.6 Better Edition in more detail. Starting from the very first launch, we're welcomed with a new astounding design of the game menu: a great background picture, a nice color scheme and an awesome soundtrack. But it's time to check out the gameplay by joining a server or starting up a new game. As soon as we're in the first thing we notice is the new HD textures for all of the standard maps and beyond (literally almost every popular or famous location now has new astonishing textures).
But the most important reason to download CS 1.6 Better Edition is new amazing player models which first of all carry a distinct color for each of the teams making it easier to distinguish an enemy from a friend and also white colored heads making scoring headshots so much more convenient. Aside from that death animations are also new and they look much more fun and more fascinating than the original ones. Weapon skins on the other hand look pretty much the same, except they aren't: all of the models are resized for the widescreen mode and now feel much better. Also world models now have high definition textures therefore guns lying on the ground look much more pleasing to the eye.

Additionally to all of that radar is also new and it looks much better. And HUD aside from also being updated now has weapon names on the screen making it easier to understand what weapon we're holding and for beginners to learn such important basics as the names of the in-game weapons. Overall it's fair to say that this edition is definitely better than the original one, therefore that's how it is called. Moreover, it's important to point out that this CS is based on the latest build 9211 and has very high resources download speed, scoreboard that displays HP and money, avatars support and colored console.

CS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better EditionCS 1.6 Better Edition

  • New amazing atmosphere and design
  • HD map textures
  • New player models
  • Latest build 9211
  • New radar and HUD
  • Fixed weapon skins
  • Avatars, HP and money in scoreboard
  • Powerful protection

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Download CS 1.6 Better Edition Download Counter Strike 1.6 Better Edition

Downloaded: 2213

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tuvieras que hacer la edicion de freefire armas,personajes y ropa y si puedes mapas

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